It’s the season of hot chocolate, joy and coziness. I love this recipe, is so simple to make, so comforting, and full of chocolate and if you want to turn it into a special drink add some homemade meringue on top, find all the details below. Enjoy!

500 ml milk
100g dark chocolate
2 tbsp cocoa
2 tbsp powdered sugar
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp cinnamon (ans other spices if you like: nutmeg, anise, cardamom, orange zest)

Mix 2-3 tbsp milk with the cocoa, sugar, cinnamon and cornstarch and set aside. Bring the rest of the milk and chocolate to a boil then add it to the cocoa mixture, return everything on medium heat and whisk until it thickens a bit. You can serve it with meringue on top, I just beat one egg with 50 g of sugar until it gets stiff and glossy, then burn it with a torch.